KAMO Eggplant | Suzuki Farm | 2 pc

1.0 lb

KAMO Eggplant is a traditional Kyoto vegetable grown in the ancient and historic capital city of Japan. This popular eggplant adds vibrant color to the culinary scene during the summer months in Kyoto. With its velvety skin, KAMO is uniquely dense, round, and relatively large, giving it a stately appearance that has earned it the nickname "Queen of Eggplant" in Japan.

One of the most famous KAMO Eggplant dishes is "Dengaku" (Miso-glazed Eggplant). KAMO is perfect for deep-frying, as it absorbs less oil and its dense flesh maintains its firmness when cooked. Its fleshy texture is both satisfying and creamy when cooked.

At Suzuki Farm, we harvest KAMO Eggplant mostly from June to September, just like our NASU Eggplant. Many top chefs love this variety for its quality, so why not try cooking with it this season?

Approx weight of Kamo Nasu 2 pc is 1.0 lb