BBQ Assorted Set l Suzuki Farm l 10 items

12.0 lb

This is our proposal for your BBQ events. We collect our vegetables which are good for your BBQ!  This set will be good to serve 6 to 8. 

1 NASU Eggplants - 8 pc *** Recomend half-cu grill but you can grill whole, too!  
2 KAMO Eggplants - 2 pc ***  Reccomend slice thickly, sprea MISO and then grill
3 White Eggplants - 2 pc *** Recommend half cut and slow bake (will be very soft after cooked)
4 PEAMAN Bellpeppers - 1 bag *** Enjoy grill whole or cut. You don't need remove seeds!
5 SHISHITO Peppers - 1 bag *** Enjoy grill! One of ten will be hot!!! 
6 Sweet Cabbage - 1 head *** Wrap in foil and bake it!
7 DAIKON Radish - 1 pc *** Recommend granted DAIKON radish! 
8 MIZUNA Mustard 1 bunch *** Good for salad!
9 KYURI Cucumber 2.0lb *** Good for salad! 
10 Sweet Cherry Tomate 1.5lb *** Enjoy our natural taste! 

We hope your event will be more enjoyable and healthier with our fresh vegetables!!!