Mulukhiya (MOROHEIYA) | Suzuki Farm | 1 bunch

0.35 lb

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If you're looking for a nutritious vegetable, consider trying MOROHEIYA. Originally from Africa, the Middle East, and India, it has deep green leaves and is also known as Jew's Mallow or Egyptian spinach. Although it resembles SHISO leaves, it is not a member of the perilla family. This leafy vegetable is packed with vitamins and minerals, making it a popular ingredient in dietary supplements. Due to its high nutritional value, MOROHEIYA is also known as the "King of Green Vegetables" or the "Mighty Vegetable."

Raw MOROHEIYA has a bitter taste, but take care not to overcook it as it will lose its nutrients. Cooking with oil can increase your intake of vitamins A, E, and K. We highly recommend MOROHEIYA tempura or stir-fry! When cutting the leaves, they become sticky. If you enjoy NATTO fermented beans, they go well with chopped MOROHEIYA leaves.

Gardening MOROHEIYA is relatively easy in the summer as the plants grow well in temperatures ranging from 70 to 90F. Just be sure to water them well when the soil becomes dry. MOROHEIYA is a short-day plant, meaning it begins to flower in late summer. When growing MOROHEIYA at home, DO NOT eat any of the seeds as they contain a toxic substance that affects the heart. On the other hand, the MOROHEIYA leaves sold in stores and online are safe to consume.

At Suzuki Farm, we grow MOROHEIYA from June to August. Although it has only become popular in Japan since the 1990s, we believe that it is one of the best vegetables to eat in the summer due to its high nutritional value. Its unique sticky texture may be unusual for some, but we still recommend giving it a try to our health-conscious customers.